Data Center

Turn Waste Heat into Carbon-Free Energy for Your Data Center

Welcome to the future of data center cooling. NovoPower’s cutting-edge liquid cooling technology is designed to meet the growing demands of modern data centers, providing unparalleled efficiency, sustainability, and performance. Discover how our innovative solutions can transform your data center operations.


0 GWh

Annual Energy Savings Per 100MW Data Center


0 KT

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Per 100MW Data Center



Température d'entrée minimale



Brevets déposés

Why Choose Us?

Innovative Technology
NovoPower leads the industry with advanced liquid cooling solutions that outperform traditional cooling methods. Our technology ensures optimal thermal management for high-density computing environments.

Our Solution
NovoPower’s patented Low-Temperature HTE™ (heat-to-electricity) system can generate cost-effective electricity at temperatures as low as 50°C, across a wide range of duty cycles. Competing technologies require higher temperatures (70-150°C) and fixed operating conditions.

Our 50kW module uses an organic working fluid to drive a free-piston generator. Combined with our sophisticated Smart Control System, NovoPower systems are cost-effective even where electric rates are low.

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How It Works?


En refroidissement par immersion, la chaleur des serveurs est absorbée par le liquide non conducteur dans lequel ils sont immergés. En refroidissement direct sur puce, les serveurs sont dans des racks avec de minuscules échangeurs de chaleur attachés aux processeurs. Cette méthode garantit une absorption efficace de la chaleur directement à la source.


The hot fluid from the servers is circulated through a NovoPower heat exchanger, which uses the heat to vaporize an environmentally friendly working fluid. This pressurized vapor expands, pushing a piston through a cylinder (a “free-piston expander”), driving a generator to produce electricity.


Le système de contrôle sophistiqué de NovoPower s'adapte en temps réel en variant les débits et les paramètres du système électrique. Cela fait de notre système HTE™ (chaleur-électricité) à basse température la seule solution viable pour les centres de données refroidis par liquide. Il garantit des performances et une efficacité énergétique optimales.

Ready to take your data center to the next level?

Contact us today to learn more about our liquid cooling solutions and how they can benefit your operations. Our team of experts is here to help you implement the most efficient and sustainable cooling technology available.
